§ 96-3. Permit application.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The applicant for a permit shall be that person doing or performing the actual excavating or encroaching work or activity.
    Application for such permit shall be made to the Director on a form provided by the Department of Public Works, and such application shall be complete in furnishing the information requested. Plans and specifications shall be provided by the applicant in the format and detail as required by the Director.
    The issuance of a permit does not excuse compliance with any other applicable regulation, ordinance or law.
    In the event that additional work, encroachment or repairs not designated in the original permit must be done in the same location, the permittee shall make application to the Director for an extension of the permit, authorizing such additional work, encroachment or repairs.
    Emergency excavation work requires a written permit as set forth in § 96-10, Emergency excavation and encroachment.
    Any person maintaining, making or causing or intending to maintain, make or cause an encroachment or use of a street for purposes other than traveling has the responsibility and obligation to determine from the Director whether or not such encroachment or use requires a permit under this chapter.
    Any person maintaining, making or causing to be maintained or made any excavation or encroachment has the responsibility and obligation to determine whether or not all or any part of such excavation or encroachment is within any portion of a street. The determination of the Director as to this matter shall be final.
    The Director shall establish a fee for each permit issued under this chapter in accordance with § 90-4, Approval of rates and fees.