§ 1-254. Powers and duties of Tax Collector.  

Latest version.
  • Said Tax Collector shall have the powers and be subject to the duties imposed by law upon Collectors of Town Taxes. He shall receive and collect all taxes due to said city, all assessments made by said city, and all taxes and assessments which have been laid and assessed, and are unpaid at the passage of this act, by the Town of Norwalk, the City of Norwalk, the City of South Norwalk, and the East Norwalk Fire District, and report to the Council of said city the names and addresses of all persons who, being liable to pay such taxes and assessments on the day when they become due, have neglected to pay the same. All the amounts due to said city as special benefits or otherwise as herein provided may be collected by warrants under the hand of the Mayor, directed to the Collector who may collect the same in the manner in which tax warrants are collected. Upon expiration of the term of office of the Collector he shall deliver to his successor the rate bills not collected and a statement of the amounts of all assessments made by the city, and the Mayor shall issue to said successor warrants for the collection by him of said taxes and assessments.
(Sp. Laws 1913, No. 352, § 95; Sp. Laws 1933, No. 363, § 5.)