§ 1-263. Continuance of tax liens.  

Latest version.
  • The Tax Collector of said city may continue any tax lien upon any real estate by causing to be recorded in the land records of said Town of Norwalk within the first year after the tax becomes due his certificate describing the real estate and the amount of such tax at the time when it becomes due, and thereupon such tax, with interest thereon at 7% per annum in lieu of 9% hereinbefore prescribed, shall remain a lien upon such real estate from the recording of said certificate until paid, and any tax lien so continued may, when the tax has been paid, be discharged by a certificate of the Tax Collector recorded in such land records. The fee of the Town Clerk for recording such tax lien shall be $0.25 and there shall be allowed in favor of said city the sum of $0.50 which sums shall be collected in addition to the tax so secured.
(Sp. Laws 1913, No. 352, § 104.)