§ 1-266. Precedence of liens; release; fees for recording added to lien.  

Latest version.
  • Assessments of benefits, as provided in § 1-439, § 1-451, § 1-204 and § 1-457, or as otherwise herein provided, shall be a lien upon the land or other property upon which they are respectively made, and shall take precedence of all other liens or encumbrances except taxes due the state, and the land, with the buildings thereon, on which any such lien may exist, shall be liable to be foreclosed in the same manner as in the case of tax liens, provided such lien shall not continue to exist for a period longer than 60 days after the giving of notice as hereinbefore prescribed, unless within said period a certificate, signed by the Mayor or Clerk of said city, describing the premises on which said lien exists and stating the amount claimed by said city as a lien thereon, shall be lodged with the Town Clerk of Norwalk. Said liens shall cease to exist whenever a certificate releasing the same signed by the Mayor or Clerk shall be filed with said Town Clerk. All such certificates shall be recorded by said Town Clerk in the land records of said Town of Norwalk, and the lawful fees for filing such liens shall be added to such assessment. Said assessment may be collected by warrant, under the hand of the Mayor, in the same manner as town taxes are collected, and shall bear interest at legal rate from time to time when the same becomes due.
(Sp. Laws 1913, No. 352, § 107.)