§ 1-485. Calf Pasture Beach; rights of state.  

Latest version.
  • The State of Connecticut grants to the City of Norwalk and its successors, all right, title and interest which the state has or may have in and to the beaches, sedge flats and marshlands located within the above boundaries for the aforesaid public park purposes in perpetuity, and said city is authorized to build and maintain a sea wall or walls, a boat landing or landings or dock or docks between high and low water mark in front of and adjoining the above described tract and to fill in and grade the space within the walls as it may deem expedient; and the spaces so filled in as aforesaid are granted to said city and its successors for such park purposes, provided the sea walls and boat landings and docks authorized shall be so constructed as not to interfere with or impair navigation.
(Sp. Laws 1917, No. 423, § 2.)